"Please, talk with me"

an independent film

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• In the winter of 1985, strange occurrences began to transpire inside Erie Hall on the college campus at Geneseo, New York. Over a period of several months, a number of the students would have their lives forever altered by a series of paranormal events.

• Apparitions sighted, strange voices heard, and moving objects witnessed all became part of the experience shared by those young adults now over twenty years ago. Through the considered efforts of several of these students, a recorded history now exists detailing the day-to-day terror that they underwent. Photographs, voice recordings, scribbled notes, and formal journals all now serve to authenticate the events that unfolded around them.

• This film is dedicated to the telling a portion of that story.

• Starring Kyle Shea and Aaron Katter, this docu-thriller is directed by Mara Katria and produced by William Edwards. PTWM premiered at the prestigious SCARE-A-CON Festival to a packed house and went on to receive the honor of Best Director at Wilson Film Fest in 2013 and Best Feature at Spirit Quest Film Fest in 2014! Conventions and screenings continue to the present! Many such affairs will feature members of the cast and crew as well as the survivors of the actual 1985 events, Mr. Chris Di Cesare and Mr. John Jeff Ungar (both as seen on SyFy).

• See the Press and Events page to stay informed about the coming attractions. You can also 'like' PTWM on Facebook for news on the motion picture as it happens.

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William Edwards - ProducerMara Katria - DirectorChris Di Cesare - Key WitnessJ. Jeff Ungar - Journal Writer

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© CITA Productions

For booking and questions, contact: pleasetalk@live.com